From lonelygirl15 to thehill88

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Check out this “video reply” from thehill88 to lazydog, which in a few days has more than 2 million 300 thousand views on YouTube:

This girl, Australian, apart from having a fabulous capacity of expression and monologue, is the perfect demonstration of the reach of today’s Web 2.0. ( If you want to know more, look for these people on youtube or on their site ) It would be interesting that the media experts (how about Rolo Rodriguez? Liz Viquez?), tell us how Reach Frequency is measured here?! The truth is that cases like this girl’s and the ultra-famous lonelygirl15 (who, by the way, is an actress and is 19 and everything was “set up”), show us the speed with which today we can cause a contagion, an epidemic, a digital pandemic.
Malcom Gladwell and his wonderful “Tipping Point” have to go now for a second version, because everything written there is true, only now the speed is insane and certainly has made a quantum leap (I think that’s how they say it now). There is no plasma engine that drives anything faster and farther than the spectacular connection you have in your hands right now, there on your keyboard, and that screen in front of you.
(In the meantime, ICE will continue to stop us from taking advantage of countless resources in mobile cellular technology. Until when?!)

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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