A few days ago I came across an advertisement that talks about envy, possibly from the entrails of the same feeling, which disturbed my spirit and made me think about this capital sin, and for this reason also, today I am typing in disorder about envy. Or should I say with it?
This is one of the most powerful feelings in the human being. We feel and provoke envy. We feel its corrosive effects, just as we perceive on our skin when others envy us. Just as there are those who are envious, there are also those who easily provoke envy. In general, however, we all have it and provoke it, to a greater or lesser extent.
Blood in the eye”, “to stay with the nail”, “I have a gossip…¨, the mockery, the double meaning and the joking are nothing more than manifestations of inferiority and envy that are disguised in this way in those who suffer from it more deeply. When we feel envy in the blood, a poison flows that sickens and contaminates, and for this reason, when we provoke envy, we have to understand that in front of us there is someone narcotized by this potent poison in the soul.
Little is said about envy, although we have always suffered its aberrant consequences. These are only four opinions about envy:
Envy is a thousand times more terrible than hunger, because it is spiritual hunger.
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) Spanish philosopher and writer.
Envy is caused by seeing another enjoy what we desire; jealousy, by seeing another possess what we would like to possess ourselves.
Diogenes Laertius (3rd century BC-?) Greek historian. Also known as Diogenes
Punish those who are envious by doing them good.
Arabic proverb
Envy is like “a feeling of acute discomfort, determined by the discovery that another possesses something that we believe we should have”. The envious person’s speech is repetitive, monotone and compulsive about what he envies and with whom he competes.
Harry Stack Sullivan
Envy blocks creative thinking, generates anxiety, sadness and resentment. Envy manifests itself, particularly in our latitudes, with that unhealthy insistence of many to make fun of others, although often the envious person hides behind kindness and courtesy. It is he or she who rejoices in the failures of others and suffers at the same time with the successes of others. He stops seeing through his own eyes, and rather sees through the eyes of the one he envies, so that he stops living his own life and starts living according to the life he envies, which, being impossible, only deepens the effect of the poison and intensifies the damage it causes.
To prevent envy, Eroski believes that it is advisable:
– Stimulate empathy, the ability to put ourselves in the place of the other.
– Encourage confidence in oneself and in others, developing positive expectations and models of social relationships.
– To establish in childhood correct and balanced relationships with other children.
– Relativize social differences and acquire skills to choose appropriately with whom, how and when to compare oneself.
– To value our capacity correctly, without undervaluing or overvaluing ourselves.
– Collaborate (both giving to others and asking for help), is a good way to provide us with the expertise required to resolve conflicts that cause envy.
– Get used to focus on the most positive aspects of reality, not always on the negative ones.
– Relativize one’s own success. And, if possible, to take it even a little bit as a joke.
– Interpret our personal progress by comparing it with our own skills and abilities, not with those of others.
Envy, therefore, is a feeling to be managed. If you are envious, if you envy and perceive the toxic narcotic it produces, seek help, connect with God, bow your head for guidance and direction. Envy does not lead to any good destiny. Envy sickens, destroys, eats away.
If you feel that you provoke it easily, you should also value the option for more humility, simplicity, friendship, embrace and love. Those who, knowing that they are envied, accentuate or mark even more the factors that provoke this feeling, do not edify. It is of no use. It does not lead to anything positive.
I feel envy. Although I do not want envy in my life, I feel envy of others and others envy me. I do not like envy. I am sure you don’t like envy either. Let’s abandon it. Let’s leave it behind. With God in my wild heart, goodbye envy.