ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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We run for the pleasure of running. We find deep joy in the finish line, and an irresistible challenge in the route, the training, the late nights and early mornings, the food, the hours of sleep, the ice on the injuries…

Here we are Gabriel Alfaro in yellow, Alvaro Alvarado in purple, Joaquin Brenes in red and me in the back, in green shirt. Quincho started, then followed by Palito de Pan (runner nickname for Gabriel), then followed by Alvarito and I finished the race with a close… that almost finished me!

Today Sunday we ran in relays, and so, it was a great way to start the day. To Javier Bouza of Automercados, congratulations on the organization of this event that attracted 170 teams of 4 runners, and then thousands of people in the streets supporting the entire 40K course. We identify with hundreds and thousands of runners who, like us, celebrate the privilege of having the health and energy to enjoy life.
Today we started the day running in relays. It’s hard not to think what a good idea it is to do it this way in life. In fact, we know that geese run up to 70% more distance because of their V-formation, precisely in relays at the tip to spread the effort. It makes sense, it makes sense.
Here, some more photos from today. To my fellow Tribu members, colleagues on the streets and friends through life, thank you for the wonderful gesture of entering the finish line with me and closing the race together, straight to the heart!

In today’s Automercado Team Race, many of us ran with Osa en la Piel. Here I am in the picture with Fernando Leñero Jr. in purple, Pedro Dobles Jr. in red, his brother in yellow, and the fourth teammate on his team whose name I don’t have yet.

To God, thank you for the opportunity of life that today’s experience has been. There is no such thing as luck. Neither do coincidences. They are blessings and gifts that can only come from heaven.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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