Today I am in Mexico City, that intense, passionate, fast-paced, exciting, rich and vibrant capital. Today I am at Saatchi Saatchi Mexico, at the invitation of its CEO, my dear friend José Antonio Cabrera, JAC, and at around 12 o’clock, I will be presenting “Lovemarks: free hugs” . I will be diving into the ideas that are transforming the world of brands by adding intimacy, sensuality and mystery to the usual branding concepts. I am excited about Mexico, because I love Mexico.
We lived here for five years, and because of this, we discovered in time the spectacular nature of this city, its magic, its flavor, its mysticism, its smell, its power and above all, its people.
This city is the capital of one of the most fascinating countries in the world, full of people who teach you how to be a friend, how to be a cuate, how to be a compadre or comadre and how to embrace from the heart. In this country we discovered wonderful people and created lifelong connections, because we left many years ago, but all of them and all of Mexico stayed with us.
Today we will share Lovemarks once again. Today we continue in the evangelization that adds love and business, thought and feeling, reason and emotion. Today we will reconfirm once again that it makes all the sense in the world to create brands that inspire LOVEMARKS beyond reason, because this way, the world is made a little better.