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One of the high points of our visit to the Ojo de Iberoamérica was the lecture by Erik Vervroegen, DGC of the most awarded agency in Europe in the last two years: TBWA Paris.
When he started talking about his “formula” (after saying that there are no formulas), he referred to a few phrases we already know.
But in the middle of all that, he threw out a couple of very interesting things, among which stand out 3 “rules” that would be very good for us to put into practice in our agencies.
First: any idea has the possibility of becoming a good idea.
“We Creative Directors should avoid quickly discarding so many ideas that our Creatives approach us with. That’s very easy. The hard part is to carefully analyze each one and leverage it in such a way that it becomes a great idea.
When a Creative brings me an idea, I imagine it photographed by the best in the world, with the best music or filmed by the best director ever. Then I judge whether I think it’s good or not.

A simple idea, with a high probability of not being taken into account.

The same idea, boosted to a great idea.
Second: everything necessarily starts with pencil and paper.
“It is necessary and mandatory that the duos think only with a pencil and paper. It’s the best way for the imagination to fly free, without any kind of ties.
In fact, at TBWA Paris, from the conception of the idea, through to the scratching of the presentation to the client, the computer appears only in the final stage, that of the execution of the original”.
Third: you have to be detail-oriented to the point of obsession.
“When an Art Director brings me an idea in a lined drawing, I ask him to look at the situation from different points of view, because maybe the one he imagined is not necessarily the best one.
From there, we will never let go of the execution again. We will be on top of the photo shoot, in the production of the music, in the shooting, in the obsessive retouching of each sector of the photo, in everything.
Creatives are responsible not only for the idea. We are responsible for making sure that every ad, every radio piece, every commercial, reaches the people in the best possible way”.

Rayado del DA from one point of view.

Original finished, from another point of view, with an obsessive digital retouching.
Marcelo Furrer
Creative Director
Joaquin Brenes
Art Director
Article originally published on December 6, 2006.

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