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Fascinating and inspiring idea from NET#WORK BBDO, Johannesburg, that makes a wonderful difference, delivering energy to the people. While in our country valleros, publitapias, gigantographers and other outdoor advertising entrepreneurs visually pollute our wonderful country, with the help of us in the advertising agencies, but even more from their direct clients, in Africa they give us a lesson to learn.
Let’s save Costa Rica from the ruthless visual pollution we are being subjected to. Let’s stop this massacre to our environment, to our eyes, to our daily experiences. I hope someone picks up this cause and leads it, because I can’t reach it in the midst of so much. Our support would be unconditional, and our commitment total, because we cannot let them fill the world with so much visual garbage.
I hope you have enjoyed this African idea. Hopefully we can ignite some spirit for the cleanliness of our urban and rural environment.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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