Barrio Bonito is a beautiful idea, with extraordinary ingredients that made it grow into an integrated initiative never seen before in the world. In other words, all we need is a trigger, one that provokes and then, people to make it grow. Take a look at what Nike did in Buenos Aires:
When the second workshop of the year with Argentine schools ended last night, a new stage in the history of advertising in Costa Rica began. We had never done it before, and now, from being a simple idea of some, it’s up to everyone else to make it grow. Last night, the Escuela Superior de Creativos de Buenos Aires finished in San José an ASCAP initiative, and left its legacy there. There were about 70 creatives from the country who took advantage of the opportunity, and because of this, I am sure that now it will grow.
Ours is a beautiful country, without a doubt. And as in Boca, it is up to us to make it even more so, connected to the world, evolved to be ahead, rebellious to the peasant and conformist heritage, to take the attitude that is required to reach your dreams and turn them into reality.
I want a beautiful neighborhood of creatives, one that is passionate and united for a country project. To the Escuelita, thank you, and to all those who went to take notes, to learn and grow, a thousand thanks and a million congratulations.
Every end is a beginning.