Reebok has an on-air campaign that I love, because it simply recommends running at a pace where you can have a conversation. It connects Speed of Chat with their brand, brings running closer to people who don’t run, is elegantly sarcastic about those who compete or run faster, and makes running happy. I love it, and it especially encourages me in these days when I’m just starting to recover from a right Achilles tendon injury.
This is the link to his site, which is simply spectacular and shows us how far and how close we can get today, in these times when we try to connect with urban tribes, tribes of affinity, tribes of people with tastes, preferences, lifestyles in common. If you run for time, or you run to talk and share, if you are just starting out or you are going for your 30th marathon (like Oldemar…), this is a place where you can enjoy yourself to the fullest.
To my DSQ friends, I miss you very much and I miss reading your mails while you are packing your bags for Montreal. As much as I have wanted to get out of the injury, it has not given way and there has been no better remedy than rest, and because of this, I will have to start again soon, for the base and the beginning. So if anyone is looking forward to a marathon in the spring of 2008… let me know that I don’t think I’ll be able to return to the big distance until later in the year.
DSQ is a sensational group of runners, with shared principles and values, with a sincere desire to do sport and keep fit, to share among friends and to take running as an excuse for friendship, both among ourselves and among our partners and families. DSQ, like other running groups, is an idea of life that you sweat every day, and that one person at a time, makes a contribution to make the world a little bit better in the early morning.