Article published in Mercados Tendencias magazine.
A Lovemark is a brand that has moved from a place in the market, to the heart of a culture. Good morning, iPod. It is a brand that has understood that the consumer not only wants reasons and specifications, but also emotions and seductive stimuli. Thank you a thousand times, Montblanc. It is the brand that delivers quality and desire, that procures love and respect, merging design and content. Always with me, Diet Coke.
There are the brands that inspire loyalty beyond reason, that can marginalize a little more, that are virally recommended and that if not found in one place, are not replaced, but pursued until they are. Right, my Sony Vaio?
Since its conception by Kevin Roberts, its evolution and development in the world until today, Lovemarks is a concept that ceased to be the property of Saatchi Saatchi, and became an idea of yours and mine, of the whole world, because a Lovemark is personal. Don’t miss out and log on to, where you can discover even more in the context of a global tribe of people who love their brands.
Happily, today we openly demand that they deliver products of extraordinary quality, and that they also make them into brands charged with intimacy, mystery and sensuality – say a TT or a Q7 from Audi, say a Z or an X-Terra from Nissan! That’s right, a Lovemark is a consequence of design, innovation and creativity, as well as engineering, functionality and reliability, it is a super evolved brand that also understands that advertising today is the art of seduction, in today’s economy of attraction. Don’t lose sight of retail brands like Payless, which have understood this and express it… in terms of her, their loyal and passionate shoe buyer.
Now, let’s forget about the label and put the word Lovemark aside for a moment. Let’s consider the possibility that this is a fad or a sales pitch used by us at Tribe. And let me ask you: would you give up on the idea of turning your brand into one that inspires loyalty beyond reason? Without any fear of being wrong, I would say that you would not give up any effort to achieve loyalty from your consumers, and that therefore, we would agree that it makes good business sense to talk about love and business, to achieve the highest possible degree of respect and admiration for your brand, as well as the greatest possible intensity, desire and passion for it.
There is no business category that can ignore our dominant emotional dimension, and therefore, it is possible to direct all your efforts to make your firm a Lovemark, like your store, your personal name, your firm, your funeral home, supermarket or bank. Do we share BAC’s values? Of course we do, and that is why we are in the happy territory of love and respect, knowing that without respect, there is no love.
For more than five years we have been committed to this idea that Marc Gobé defines as emotional branding. And for this reason, we have moved from advertising to ideas, from communication to dialogue, from focusing on the consumer to moving to the person, and thus, to ensure the next transaction and the sustainability of the business, through a relationship that lasts a lifetime.
Jorge Oller
I am including a PDF of the complete article published in Mercados Tendencias magazine, Year 1, Issue 2, March 2007. And I take this opportunity to send you my sincere congratulations for this very complete and professional report.
Article originally published on May 11, 2007.