Today is a Sunday like any other Sunday. We still wake up in the morning, get up to the bathroom, brush our teeth and start the day, however, at a different pace than a weekday, more leisurely, more relaxed and somewhat serene. Sundays are different from Mondays or Saturdays, they have no resemblance to any other day of the week, and for this reason, Sunday is preferred by many, because it is a day ordained by God.
If you are reading these words on a Sunday, it will make a different sense than it will to the reader on a Tuesday or Thursday. If you got this far in the slowness of a Sunday morning, you will feel that your Sunday is a gift and deserves to be enjoyed. If you reached these paragraphs on a Wednesday, there in the middle of the typical work week, you can’t help but wish it was Sunday to slow your pace and feel Sunday.
It happens to me with Sunday as it does with the year-end vacations or the days at Easter. Since I assume my competitors do the same, I find it easier to disconnect and enjoy the time to rest. Since on Sundays I assume we are all resting as well, I relax more easily and get a little more time to feel rather than do. Still, Sunday is not my favorite day, although I don’t have a favorite one.
When I think about these similarities and differences, I take for us in business a simple lesson. It is not the same to present ideas, creativity and risky proposals to a client under stress, pressure and urgency, as it is to one enjoying the opportunity to innovate, to make a difference and to make a relevant impact. It is not the same to start a presentation having arrived on time, than to do it after an annoying delay. It is not the same to share ideas in the emptiness of an ordinary office as it is to do so in the richness of an environment prepared to stimulate the senses.
The preparation of the environment, the right sense of timing, the choice of the right moment, the harmony of the environment for creativity and innovation, are all conditions that cannot be left to chance or to the inexorable passing of the hours. A Sunday, just like any other, is a different time and propitious for emotions different from those of a Thursday or a Monday. It is important to rescue the preparation we need for each event, and for this reason, today I thought it would be a good day to remember it.
Happy Sunday!