“In Costa Rica, advertising agencies have no spelling and have not been buying dictionaries for years”, said Mr. Alberto Cañas in the article published a few days ago, which I am including in PDF format. Given the case cited, I am afraid he is somewhat right.
However, the generalization is erroneous, excessive and even offensive, as it would be on my part if I were to affirm that all gentlemen of his age are senile, spoiled and believe they have enough authority to say whatever they want. Right? This is why I do not assert it and rather, I leave aside your thoughtless extreme and focus on what is important in the published article: the double spelling error, one in the publication and the other in the response.
I think it is important to do so and focus on the fact that we are wrong in spelling, in depth and scope, that the educational system is not delivering people who know how to write and that talents like Don Alberto are not being repeated in the new generations. Mistakes are often more than a mistake here or there, they are huge horrors reiterated by people who resist correcting their insufficient training.
We are all exposed to mistakes, and for this reason, I do not point out or judge one. I simply correct my mistakes as soon as I notice them and try to learn from them so as not to repeat them. It requires some attention and a bit of embarrassment, that a spelling mistake has to be embarrassing and cannot be tolerated as acceptable. For this reason, if you find one or several of them, do not hesitate to let me know, because nobody is exempt from making a mistake and besides, when I write directly in the blog I do not have a spellchecker as in Word, so it is even easier to make a mistake (…here I am sweating cold that I am going to make one in these paragraphs!).
However, a mistake was made in the publications with that Ache that Hache did not have, as well as in the clarifying answer with all and horror included, to add up to two in a row that deserved no less than a published call for attention, although I am not amused that all the agencies and publicists have been pringed with the accurate shot to the liver of our revered writer, poet, politician and so much more.
So, no way, it’s time to correct the bank and its agency. I trust that soon we will see Hache in these ads, although as far as I am concerned, I have already learned to spell the brand and for this reason, they could change the campaign, which in one way or another, made me feel like a scolded student with the teacher at the front of the class, in the lip-accented spelling of a new word, causing me a not very positive feeling.