There is a dimension that we all have to resolve, as much as the physical, intellectual and sentimental. This dimension of our being is often subordinated and even ignored, but it is clearly as important as the most important and it is our spirituality.
In days like the ones we live in, this video may lead us to think that so many millions of believers cannot all be wrong. It is also true that if you are one of those who have not made a decision and chosen a spiritual path, possibly you will live a perceptible or imperceptible emptiness, but that we will fill with drugs, anesthetics and codependencies of all kinds.
Some say that we are mind, heart and spirit. Some others add the soul as part of our being. Others say we are body and soul, as some argue that we are souls in a body. Others will say that we are only cells tied together from the beginning. There is no lack of those who do not believe in anything and do not even question it. However, there are not few of us who recognize a spiritual dimension that must be taken care of, as does the one who goes to the gym to take care of his body, sleeps or feeds himself.
Here I leave you, but not before inviting you to enjoy the video once again, which contextualized in this way makes even more sense. Let us attend to our spiritual dimension, let us seek balance, let us strive for consistency. It is a daily struggle in a world that seduces us. It is a daily battle with no few temptations. However, whoever does not bow his head to a Higher Being has a serious problem to solve.
I bow mine to the God who sent his Son to die on the Cross, and for consistency I fight for this relationship every day, each time with a little more love and commitment. And if there is only one idea I could share, it is the one that Matthew had when he accepted a simple invitation when he heard a “Follow me”, and followed him.