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There are ideas that become a giant advertising classic the first time they are aired, as it happened with this Bavaria commercial the night it was aired on Channel 7’s Dancing for a Dream. If you haven’t seen it, it’s time to click here:

I emailed Alberto Quirós, Jotabeqú’s DGC and creator of this beautiful commercial film, and today I had the opportunity to congratulate him on the phone while we were talking about this extraordinary production. Written since last year, the script survived the test of time and had the support of his client, his courage and willingness to invest, as well as the enthusiasm of Imágica, who made the production in Chile. This commercial is already a giant classic of advertising, will go to the Hall of Fame of our country and may go far one festival after another.
As I commented to Alberto, Jotabeqú has to be proud of such an extraordinary message, which undoubtedly celebrates an anniversary with long tablecloths. Although today in Tribu we are on the front wax, delighted with a new and stimulating challenge, I did not want to miss the opportunity to share and celebrate this creative and production success, which I hope will go far in the advertising festivals of the world.
Next year we have to bring a Lion to Costa Rica and we have to hunt it down at the Festival in the South of France in mid-June. People all over the world are working right now to develop ideas and prepare for their pilgrimage to the Palais des Festivals in La Croissette.
It is with ideas like these, like the ones from JWT with Listerine, the Ogilvy’s tricks, DDB’s animal mupis, this marvel from Bavaria by Jotabeqú, humbly, our activation in non-conventional media by Osa or Unicef, just to mention a few ideas, that maybe we will manage to sneak in until we catch the trophy feline and bring it to Costa Rica. By the way, I have yet to publish work from other agencies, please send them to me or let me know where to find them!
Alberto, again, congratulations brother and colleague in love with advertising creativity, design, innovation and talent. I hope we can encourage everyone in the country to openly applaud the good work that is achieved, wherever it comes from, that only together we can go far. So I do not stand up and shout jotabeqú, jotabeqú, jotabeqú, jotabeqú, because I too, like many, feel the sound of the chorus in my balls. However, I stand up and applaud in a standing ovation with great joy in my heart, because I am convinced that these are the steps that push the publicity of our country in the right direction.
In the meantime, I am about to pack my bags to go to London at the end of the month for our first attendance to the annual meeting of Cannes representatives. Representing ASCAP, Manolo Gavilan and I will be there to learn a lot and bring back more for Costa Rica.
So guys, first dead than bombed! Let’s go all out and for everyone! (Alberto, and here I am still standing applauding…) Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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