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FOLLOW ME, that’s all he told Mateo. He did not ask him to change on the spot, to stop being him, he did not ask him to put on a church face, to sacrifice his life, to become someone else or to become a new Matthew, or to become perfect, because clearly it was not possible, neither for him nor for us. He just told him in a simple and direct way, follow me. Then Matthew got up and followed him. That’s how it all began for this man.
That moment in the story, perhaps suggests that this is a decision of direction, course or compass. There is no need for angels to come down from heaven, no need for a misfortune to impact your life, it should take absolutely nothing more than a decision that leads you to this voluntary commitment: I will follow you.
The musical group is ROJO, from Mexico. Good piece!

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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