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If you are already jogging or running 8 or 10 Kms, you are in time to prepare, for example, for the Miami Half Marathon, January 27, 2008.
From Tribu we will be training Quincho Brenes, Gabo Alfaro, Giovanni Sanchez and myself, so far. Suddenly we managed to get Randall Masís and Álvaro Alvarado to join us, and soon we could encourage others. We would love to put together an even bigger group and train under the direction of Telma Zúñiga, who prepares her athletes in La Sabana three mornings a week. Telma can be reached at her address: .
A separate note will be required for Quincho’s third marathon in New York in a few days, but it is worth these lines to celebrate his courage and determination, because training for the 42 kms and 195 mts without a support team this year is a great personal feat. I will also have to tell you another time, the easiest way to injure yourself to miss a year of your goal: recklessness. One that in my case was called the Cerros de Escazú half marathon.
In any case, be sure to contact us if you feel like running the next half marathon in Miami, although there is also a full marathon for those who are more prepared. If you live in Costa Rica, you can train with us under Telma’s guidance. If you live in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Monterrey or wherever, we will meet in Miami on January 26th for a nice Pasta Dinner and the next day we will do it together.

I was once told something that encouraged me to put a number on my chest. “The difference between joggers and runners is one: joggers? compete!”.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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