Possibly nothing is more difficult than achieving a culture and protecting it over time. We are in continuous evolution and reinvention, however, there are values and conditions that we wish to turn into commitments, to renew, to strengthen, to retake. This video originates from years ago, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, and yet it is still valid.
Perhaps it is appropriate to mention that, in the search for a creative evolution in Tribu, I came to the conclusion that it was not going to be sustainable if I did it with a national or imported Creative General Director to lead the change. That formula was tried before by DDB with Jaime Cueto and by McCann-Erickson with Ignacio Gómez, to cite two recent cases. They created creative successes and made their agencies stand out in a convincing way, however, when they left the country they created visible gaps. This is why I insist on creating creative cultures and not bubbles, because it is about sustainability, which has been the case of JBQ for decades, as well as that of Garnier BBDO in the country.
For years we have focused on the internal culture at Tribu, our vision at Lovemarks and building a solid business that reaches beyond our borders. However, at Tribu we have not achieved the creative consistency we desire, although in the Pregoneros ranking, which shows some intent, we are fourth in everything that has the premium of existing. It is perhaps a reflection of a sense of direction, and a pending debt still to settle.
Later, however, it was easy to recognize that we required the whole country to avoid being ephemeral or isolationist, for none of us will ever be like all of us. For this reason, it is very important that Garnier BBDO, JBQ, DDB, Ogilvy, McCann, JWT, Publimark Lowe, to cite agencies very focused on elevating their creative product, we unite without the practices of the past that have divided us, to focus without more jealousy and negative feelings, to build together without leaving aside the healthy and necessary competition.
So, as if this were not enough of a challenge, I add to this vision the paramount importance of expanding to our region, and to pursue the effort in a Central American way, hand in hand with agencies, clients and media. As a geographic area of a few small and irrelevant countries in the sight of almost everyone, we have to find the formulas to sneak into the scenarios we want for our talent and our ideas.
Anyway, in Tribu, to conclude, we adopt, adapt and create. At the beginning of December we will return to the Irazú volcano, at dawn. And of course, in the meantime, tomorrow we will all dress up in costumes and at the end of the day a good celebration, because Cargil is our new regional account. To them, a thousand thanks for their trust and our commitment. To everyone at Tribu, congratulations on this new client.
Tomorrow I will tell you more about Cannes and the Reps meeting.