What is an insight? Why is the planner’s and creative’s obsession with finding insights? Which ones can be powerful, which ones are obvious, and which ones have been walked through? How do you define it? How do you find it?
We like to call them as hidden truths, however, it is not a complete transfer of what in English and in advertising we call Insight. You who are visiting this blog, what do you think? How much we would appreciate your input!
In the commercial I am including from our friends at Del Campo Saatchi Saatchi Argentina, the insight is clear: we don’t want to inherit our older brother’s clothes. Then the story is told with mastery, sensational music and more than impeccable production. Therefore, a good insight and a good story well told, produce a sensational result for the brand, as in this case of fNazca de Sao Paulo for a bank that does not want to look like a bank, guided by insights that refer to what people want, although they do not say it openly.
Bernal Esquivel, Marco Cabrera, Alberto Quirós, Mauricio Garnier, Manuel Travisany, Manolo Gavilán, Manuel Travisany, Manolo Gavilán, Alberto Quirós, Mauricio Garnier, Manuel Travisany, Manolo Gavilán and others know about insights.