When you walk around Cannes, it is not surprising that Bob Isherwood, Fabio Fernandez or Pablo del Campo, to name three of Saatchi’s creative figures, are suddenly stopped at the Croissette to ask for autographs, just as it should not be surprising how well known they are and the weight their names carry in the world’s festivals.
Let’s take a look at this interview which, despite being from 2004, is still valid. To win at Cannes, you have to go once, twice, three times, many times… you understand it and little by little, you achieve it. Nothing is impossible (Del Campo is the second interviewee, referring to Asian advertising and the effect of globalization in Cannes).
This note with this interview is part of a series of blog posts intended to allow our people at Tribu, our clients and friends, to get to know in particular the ideas and proposals of Del Campo Nazca Saatchi Saatchi, given our link established in 2008 in the initiative that we have called, simply, Tribu + Del Campo.