There is a lot of work to do and a lot to do, so let’s stop being so sweet, because any agency, any country, any peasant can take our breath away in an instant. To win you have to focus, and this is the best time to do it.
To all, a very happy long weekend in Costa Rica, as Monday will be a holiday. And to all readers outside of this wonderful corner of the world, likewise, a very happy ending. In these quiet days of July, with many on vacation and others regrouping for the closing of next year, the blog has continued with important levels of page views, and I estimate it will close at about 125,000 for the month.
It has been very comforting the distance from the destructive polemics, the time to review and plan, to compare notes and continue. Days of greater intensity will come, and yet these are good days to prepare.
Someone said to me one day: “Fail to prepare…. Prepare to Fail”. So, it is time to prepare, although to be perfectly honest, I don’t see why we can’t do it gently.