Today I had to call Carlos Fonseca, General Manager and partner of Publimark, to offer him that if he wishes, he can send me a mupi and I will place it in the bathroom of Tribu, in the cafeteria or in the meeting room, which is the only thing missing after the massive installation of mupis in the Santa Ana – Belen radial. (Although I guess they are all over the city, not without suspecting that they will abound even more in the vicinity of the other agencies in the country).
After my offer in jest and good humor, we laughed out loud, wished each other a very good year and as befits among competitors, colleagues and friends, we ended a conversation in which I was very pleased to applaud Publimark and everyone in the agency, through its manager, the initiative to start the year saying present, investing and showing that 2009 came to fight and win.
Then, now at night I went to visit the website they advertise, to move from the mood of affectionate congratulations to one with some healthy envy, touring a work of web presence worthy of any first world advertising agency. Congratulations, friends of Publimark, to Javier Zeledón and his entire creative team, as well as to Carlos Fonseca and his entire agency. I love it, I celebrate it and I applaud it. (Only comment: I was missing sound, effects or some musicalization. Sight, sound and motion is Sisomo!)
I must admit that the competition has been very hard for me to understand, and even harder to digest. For many years I must have been an unbearable competitor, although of course, I am sure that even today, for many people, I still am, right? (…and well, I have never pretended for a moment to be a $100 bill). However, ASCAP’s work has brought me important fruits and a new understanding of our competitive environment, as the gray hairs add up and the years add up.