Tonight we gathered a group of twitters in Tribu, invited by Rogelio Umaña and his fascinating idea: Thus, with a live audio and video webcast, hundreds of people entered the address or and enjoyed a pleasant, entertaining and fine sample of the new media for social interaction.
In other times, the communities met in town meetings or public tribunes, in the kiosks of the parks or municipal halls. There, the necessary spaces were opened to discuss the issues of the moment, opinions were formed and conclusions were reached to make decisions or simply to share and participate. Today, the public tribune took a different nuance and was mounted in the digital park of the new media, spontaneously and without greater relevance than the experiment itself, to understand a little more of its scope and possibilities.
For those who want to see this experiment online, the full version is already at , and for those who want to know a little more, we invite you to join the Twitter and discover why tonight the conversation revolved around this virtual world of communication in short messages, and that provoked many definitions, participations and contributions from both the “panelists” and the people connected in one of the sites. Of course, the video on only shows the images of the conversation, and for this reason, it leaves us on the sidelines of what was happening on Twitter, where we exchanged messages, the online chat and the remote participations through UStream.TV, between the phone, email and off-camera interaction.
Congratulations to Rogelio Umaña, for being the manager of the idea and for conducting this experiment with such aplomb that he looks like an animator and professional TV show host. Also, a round of applause to Gabriel Alfaro, who installed the technological structure to make it all possible, while in Tribu we were only the stage and witnesses of the limitless world in which we have been fortunate to live. Christian Cambronero, Fusil de Chispas, and I had the honor of participating from the United States, and with this, we were able to add that additional factor that today’s new media offer, and that is that there are no distances or countries, because it is only one world.
To all of you, @fernandofrancia, @betobeto, @lizrincon, @lapaosalmon, @D3sC0, @annbrampton, @gorileo, @mediosalternos, @fusildechispas, @LaClandestina, @CostaRica, @espiralazul, @CaLoFs and all the other colleagues of this experience, a big hug and see you in the next edition of Gorileo.TV.
I feel honored to have been a participant in this small but significant experience. Much has already been said, and it can be said again: the subtle flutter of a butterfly… has the power to provoke a hurricane on the other side of the world.