In this month of April, A Fuego Lento will surpass 100,000 page views, without controversy, without hosting anonymously or opening space for the circus that some sectors like so much. This month’s number, of course, is far from the 350,000 page views of some time ago, when I decided to do what was necessary to scare people away and lower the blog’s presence in the media.
In the world of Twitter, Facebook and streamings, with ning, skype, lulu and so much more, blogs already seem prehistoric and although they continue to proliferate everywhere, they entered in strong competition with the socialized activity of relationships on the net, as well as with messages of 140 characters and less. However, I believe that blogs will remain in force and will survive, for the simple fact that they are read by many people, and will continue to be fed by people like me, who enjoy typing from time to time.
In fact, we need more blogs in Costa Rica and in our advertising world as well. A Fuego Lento, as an experiment, eventually became an extension of my fingertips on the keyboard and a space of expression that I have enjoyed most of the time.
With notes like this one, for example, not a single additional reference is generated, the number of hits is not elevated, nor is more interest achieved, as it has little pepper and is not in the least appealing in this soft way. At the same time, it is very amusing to see the virality work with some controversy, when I mention names and surnames or provoke some discussion, because the impacts are immediately multiplied.
That is to say that for all it’s worth, the blog becomes a decision of tones and manners, very easy to affect depending on the purpose of who writes it. Thus, A Fuego Lento could become a book or twitts, television or radio, 3-D or tabloid, but for now, it will remain here, as it is, because there is much more to do.
To my readers, a hug and a warm greeting. This journey has been and continues to be fun.