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In recent months we went from Johnny Araya as absolute favorite in any bet, to a resounding victory in the Liberationist convention of Laura Chinchilla, for reasons that can only be added to the pot with speculations, hypotheses, estimates, theories and opinions.

What led to Laura Chinchilla’s triumph? Or in a more comprehensive vision, what were the errors in Johnny’s tendency that contributed the most to her defeat? It would be very interesting to know the opinions of many, and for this reason, from twitter we will add the comments we get, as well as we invite you to add your comments directly at the bottom of these words. In the meantime, I dare to guess some possibilities, but no more than three.

I believe that the continuity bet was the strongest recovery in the course of the winning campaign. In fact, it was very visible that the Laurista tendency lost support when he moved away from the government, as well as he could count on the necessary time to correct and recover the confidence of the people when he redefined his discourse and brought him closer to Óscar Arias. Undoubtedly, the popularity of the greatest statesman of recent times, although far from being an example of humility, was a success and meant at the time, a winning adjustment in the Laurista campaign strategy.

At the same time and in parallel, the campaign of attack to Laura Chinchilla by the lawyer and former Minister of Public Security, Juan Diego Castro, may have been the most expensive mistake in the campaign of Johnny Araya and the bullet in the back of his own head. The country rejected the tactic and it aroused different levels of indignation, provoking an accelerated move away in the opposite direction of his original intentions. For whatever reasons and motivations can be added by those who understand these social phenomena, the attack campaign rebounded and fit just right to boost Laura at Araya’s expense. In general, Johnny Araya’s communication failed to boost Mr. Mayor’s candidacy, just as it could not be sufficient to the strength of the Laura Chinchilla plus Oscar Arias combination.

In turn, Laura Chinchilla’s communication showed important changes when she abandoned the proposal of LaUra Nos Une, which included substitutions also in the leadership and within the campaign itself, to move to the new concept “Firme y Honesta” (Firm and Honest). From my personal point of view, the inconsistency that Johnny Araya’s heads accused to the Laurista campaign, rather reflected a capacity to adapt to the circumstances, a timely reading of initial mistakes and a timely repair of the path taken. It is very positive that a movement has this flexibility and sense of opportunity, that it can admit space for improvements if these are proposed and founded, to focus efforts in an accelerated course. This characteristic is very necessary in the government, and for this reason, it is also a good omen in the style of leadership that we can expect from Chinchilla.

Much more I could add, and yet, I believe that these factors were enough to make all the difference in a Laura who was encouraged by the polls, and therefore, could relax, get out of the conventional script, smile and show herself closer, more real and human than she could reflect in her commercials, speeches and debates. The joy of the last days confirmed her leadership, and in the midst of much positivism and naturalness, Laura concluded her campaign with the ingredient that well taken care of, could take her to the presidency, because showing herself as she is, without poses or transplanted models, is a winning idea.

With enormous respect and admiration for the courage, effort, work and commitment of Johnny Araya and Fernando Berrocal, whom I sincerely appreciate on a personal level, I think that today has won who did the best things to achieve the candidacy of Liberación Nacional. Now comes the next test, because Ottón Solís will never be an easy candidate to beat, and for this reason, the electoral contest of next February will bring once again the two Costa Ricas, the one of the no and the one of the yes to the FTA, the one that focuses on the future and the one that focuses on the obstacles, the one that adds and adds and the one that subtracts and puts buts.

Congratulations to Laura Chinchilla for her brilliant electoral triumph, because it is not only the result of an extraordinary collective effort, but also the deserved award for an outstanding personal trajectory. Surely she will take some days to rest, while now is the time to regroup the Party and prepare for the national campaign.

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