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On some rare occasions I refer to the trips I make for business or personal reasons, however, as I take flight this Thursday I am ready to share the experiences of the next few days in the open sky, both here in “A Fuego Lento”, as well as in the Ascap blog and possibly on Gorileo TV.

Several exciting events lie ahead, and the first ones will take place in Rome. As the dates coincide with the Cannes Film Festival, the inauguration of “La Ruta de la Paz” in Rome by my dear friend, Jorge Jimenez Deredia, we decided to take a detour for a few days, witness the opening of his most important exhibition of his prolific life and share that special moment.

As an alternate product of this visit, and doing some research on Google, after translating the keywords from Spanish to Italian, I found that next Saturday the Rome Half Marathon will be run at 11 p.m., and of course, it has been an impossible temptation to resist.

The day after the opening of the exhibition by Deredia, in the ancient places of Rome as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum among others, we will fly to Cannes to start from Tuesday the experience that year after year has been filling us with more emotions, tension and attention. We will have many talks, seminars and workshops, endless screenings with the latest and best from around the world, 5 of us from Tribu will be there, as well as the Young Lions from Leo and DDB, my fellow representative from Ascap, Manolo Gavilán from Ogilvy as well as the people from JWT and the student Gregorio Urbina who will participate in the Roger Hatchuel Academy, for the first time representing Costa Rica.

At the competition level, we will personally accompany the aspirations of 8 Costa Rican agencies with work entered in the Festival, as well as the two duos that will participate in the Young Lions Film and Print. Everything will fly by at the speed of time, and at that pace I will try to keep the blog with notes that update the running of the intense days in Cannes.

On the way back to Costa Rica, I will invite you to join me for a quick visit to the iconic Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, and then return and continue the daily battle to face the challenge of each week in the world of business, advertising, projects and personal challenges. I propose to tell some stories with the sole desire to ignite, provoke and inspire, because I can not fail to recognize in this type of opportunities, an immense privilege that first I thank God every moment and second, I feel moved to share.

So I invite you to join us these days, as I am excited about the idea of trying to establish a channel with the deep inspiration that will be to see a Costa Rican like Deredia presenting his work in such an exceptionally relevant way to the whole world, as well as discovering in Cannes every opportunity of detonating ideas for our world in San Jose. Of course, I will also tell you how I did in that Mezza Maratona, including the cramps and aches and pains to look forward to around kilometer 19.

We have a lot of confidence and faith that Cannes will repeat images like Christian Caldwell’s last year, with a Central American born in Costa Rica picking up a Golden Lion on the great world stage of advertising. The unknown is total and for this reason, we will have to wait to click on the cameras and share the new winners. We hope there will be several occasions, both for Costa Rica and for Central America as well.

We win more if we all win.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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