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I intend to share experiences with the sole purpose of connecting with the talent and passion that inspires deep down, of artists like Deredia on the world stage from Rome, as well as any moment, person or circumstance that reminds us how important it is to applaud, admire and recognize success in others.

As a Costa Rican, born in the culture of choteo and saw in hand, recognizing and enjoying the success of others is truly a taste acquired and learned from many people. For example, it was Jaime Jiménez of jotabeqú who once told me that if I didn’t have something good to say about a person, I’d better not say it. It was Yanni in his concert at the Acropolis who, from the distance of his DVD, taught us how to enjoy and enjoy the talent of others, to add them all in one wonderful harmony. It was Germán Retana in Incae who on several occasions taught us the inexhaustible power of generosity, mutual recognition and the deeply felt smile in the face of the talent, achievements and successes of others. There are many examples that can teach us Ticos to leave envy and ardor behind, to replace them with applause and the joy of learning, being inspired and moved by those who enjoy talent and know how to share it, as in the case of Jorge Jiménez Deredia.

For this reason, I do not measure myself in a single effort to achieve that in Costa Rica we dimension the scope of “La Ruta de la Paz” about to be inaugurated in Rome, because I believe that Deredia exemplifies the Tico without borders, the one who refuses the impossible, the dreamer who builds realities, the one who is unwilling to allow the Tico cultural legacy to saw floors reach his life or the people around him, the one who ignores the smallness of our country and refuses to be one more in that generational cycle that repeats itself with very few and extraordinary exceptions. And if a photo says it all, nothing more will admire the graphic that follows, both for the wonderful bronze work called Pareja, as for the scenario in which it is exhibited today.

Deredia has arrived in Rome and today has it at his feet. Of course, the Romans will enter into an inevitable controversy and the discussion between the Italian left and right will ignite, because Jorge is the first in history to exhibit his work inside the Roman Forum itself. He presents his work in three squares of the city and in three different museums, with a particularly relevant exhibition in the Museum of Exhibitions, the most important hall of Rome in the imposing Via Nazionale.

Jorge Jimenez Deredia is an extraordinary Costa Rican, and for this reason, no one should miss the opportunity to allow him to influence your life, your dreams, plans and goals. When we set out to realize an idea in life, to take Jorge as an inspiration is to remind us that nothing is small if our passion is big. Even if we expose ourselves to criticism and ridicule, to those who look at us through their own mirror and not through the window, it is important to count on sublime banners of inspiration like the one we can find in Deredia. In the following photo, with a simplicity that characterizes him, he draws a map to the journalists of Teletica Channel 7 indicating where his hotel is, always ready and open, always balanced and elegant.

Today we are less than 24 hours away from the official inauguration of his Peace Route, which is not the culmination of his work, but just the beginning. With the pre-Columbian sphere as the axis of his work, and strongly influenced by his spirituality in harmony with history and our God, Deredia transcends from today and shows us how nothing is impossible, especially if we grow in peace and love.

I trust I can add a few more lines, and hopefully a few more photos. I am not a reporter and time is not on my side, but I will not stop trying to keep you updated and share this one which is nothing but pure inspiration at the highest level. I say goodbye for the moment with a quick photo that remains as a souvenir of these days in which it has been deeply motivating to discover the reach of this friend and exemplary Costa Rican.

The most impressive thing about La Ruta de la Paz, is that this is the exhibition that is just beginning the most important work of his life, as it presents the vision in models of the monuments that will be placed in Yucatan, Chile, Canada, United States or Argentina, of course Costa Rica, Peru and more countries. But this will be the subject of another article where I will expand on the concept, although I invite you to explore the entire project.

Jorge culminates an effort of 10 years and especially of the last 6, although really, it is just the beginning.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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