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With Gold, Silver and Bronze for DDB in the first two and JWT in the third, Costa Rica accumulated a total of seven Lions in just one year between the 2008 and 2009 Cannes festivals.

During the conversations of the last hours with representatives of the different countries, it is visible the qualitative leap that the country has achieved by going from being an eternal absentee in Cannes, to a relevant protagonist despite its small size and few entries.

To Manuel Travisany and his entire team at DDB, I send my warmest congratulations for the success achieved by having two different entries achieve Lion in gold and silver. It is very meritorious and everyone recognizes that their effort has been tenacious, perseverance has been a key value and everywhere we look, they are deserved and earned lions through hard work, effort, patience and talent. Since we saw the first mupis of the animals I praised them with joy, and the moment I was able to see the complete case of “Recuperemos la Paz”, I was amazed by the impressive scope of the work done by the entire creative team. Manuel and creative colleagues at DDB, sincere congratulations.

I have been able to tell Christian Caldwell personally on several occasions today, because I am very happy about this bronze Lion for “El Cuarto de Carlitos”, as it confirms that his work, talent and ability is not a comet, that his Lions last year were not a coincidence and that he is firm with his team, Alfredo Enciso among them, to turn JWT into a star among lions. This bronze lion is well deserved, much celebrated and today very heartfelt. Congratulations!

To make a summary to go to sleep, because here it is already past 1:30 in the morning, to applaud effusively the feat of Maia Livov from Tribu Saatchi Saatchi as well as Jennifer Caldwell (Christian’s sister!) from Leo Burnett, because they achieved a spectacular second place in the press competition at the Young Lions, with an idea that they managed to recognize powerful, and matured in the graphics with splendid simplicity.

Today we had a very special time for all the Ticos, including Gregorio Urbina who is attending the Roger Hatchuel Academy at Cannes Lions, as the first student to live this experience. From Tribu Saatchi Saatchi we are five in total, with Pablo Chaves, Javier Mora, Joaquín Brenes, Maia Livov and me typing at this moment to keep you updated.

Tomorrow we will be adding images and more information. Today we left Rome behind and the spectacular work with “La Ruta de la Paz”, and the time has not given for more between so much activity to get to Cannes. The creative world of the country, moved by the deep inspiration that radiates from Rome with Deredia, is celebrating such a great festival in 2009 as well.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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