Cannes Lios: A Festival of Creativity


ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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With 40% fewer delegates this year, as well as 20% fewer entries, the world’s most important advertising festival did not emerge unscathed from the current global crisis. There is a different atmosphere and in general, I could say, more awareness, more contact with the earth and focus on future business.

The evolution of our world is so accelerated, of course, that few agree on a model for the years ahead, perhaps because there is not one but many, although some insist on finding one. We are in the middle of the week, the day and evening activities have already exhausted most of us, although the crisis has also affected from the number of parties and celebrations, to the very quality of the menu at the buffets of last night’s gala.

The festival organizers were prepared since last year for this drop in numbers and participation, so they took the necessary adjustment measures in advance. However, I doubt very much that they predicted attendance at 60% of last year’s level.

Times of crisis are times of opportunities. Costa Rica has taken advantage of them and in the most competitive scenario in the world in advertising creativity, the country has opened its own space.

With only 3 days to go until the end of this festival, of course, a new year is coming and we will have to maintain and surpass the level we have reached.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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