

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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It strikes me powerfully that a somewhat old-fashioned, a bit boring and certainly personal space, continues with such a high level of page views in a month. Some would say that it does not have the same notoriety of other times, and I am sincerely glad about this, but it continues to be a space with thousands of visits every day.

I update it on a whim and simply write whatever comes to mind. I have no priority and no greater goal than to share for a single purpose: to inspire. Sometimes I succeed and often I fail, and although I present it in a discreet way, nothing groundbreaking, perhaps too respectful and moderate, this blog continues with a number of visits that surprises me.

I chose a long time ago to separate myself from the easy triggers to achieve even more participation and comments, I decided not to criticize for pleasure or morbid, I proposed to build and in a single direction, moved by the idea of inspiring, A Fuego Lento has been characterized by building, proposing, igniting and provoking in a positive way.

When we are about to reach the end of a month, I often look at the statistics to have a slight idea of the traffic achieved. And in a month like July, I find interesting this figure that says something and a little stimulates to continue, especially because it does not offer me any effort, does not add weight at all and rather, leads to the pleasure acquired by sharing despite the consequent public exposure included.

So all well, one hour away from the beginning of August 2009, with much illusion and faith.


ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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