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When a brand’s day-to-day work achieves this level of creativity and design, we can applaud on our feet for a long time. When an idea like this gets published, the agency has its merit and the client has his too, because the client has the ultimate power.

Kativo (HB Fuller) is one of our most responsive and creatively inclined clients, and for that reason, we enjoy our relationship as if it were an adventure, a continuous exploration or a sort of fun game.

In Tribu and to the creative connection, a hearty congratulations. The general creative direction under Pablo Chaves and Javier Mora, with the general art direction in Joaquín Brenes, never cease to produce extraordinary results, and better and better.

Particularly with Protecto, the cell creatively led by Paula Guevara and in planning and accounts by Leana Alvarez, has generated for Kativo an uncountable amount of pieces, ideas and initiatives of the first order. And when it comes to the new pieces for the 6000 colors, the main applause must go to Oldermar Alfaro and Mauricio Arroyo, congratulations!

The creativity and the final solution they have achieved is a winner. We will already see them awarded by the public in favor of more transactions for Grupo Kativo, and also in festivals afterwards.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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