A few days ago I received an unexpected invitation: “We would like to invite you to be the blogger of the month in SoHo Magazine online “,
said the text of the message written by Daniella Fernandez. Then she
then detailed the dynamic proposal that includes the exchange of banners in our blogs and weekly articles for a month.
Daniella added in her email: “Regarding the topics, there is no censorship. You can write whatever you want… as long as it’s SoHo style, it’s all good.”
And of course I got “stuck” because I couldn’t understand what she meant by that style, since I couldn’t understand what she meant by “SoHo style”.
I couldn’t quite understand what he meant by that style, because it could be that it implied writing the
articles while he photographed me in my underwear, with a bald buttocks on the side
with a bald buttocks on the side with silicones and newly installed, or simply,
unreservedly free writing in the nude.
I responded to the invitation as it seemed to me an interesting opportunity,
since there is no fear of controversy or openly discussed points of view.
discussion. Although, of course, as a long-time blogger, I pointed out that: “I have
doubt only in relation to the “Soho style”. And it is simply because
it might conflict with my posts related to spiritual or personal topics.
spiritual or personal in nature. ”
The SoHo style, in my opinion, leads to thinking of sex as an
activity, and perhaps of pretty girls as a commercial object of temptation and pleasure.
temptation and pleasure. The magazine seems to me to be a clear demonstration of
of ingenuity and creativity, although I think that its influence is negative for society and very
society and in many ways dangerous, just as I suppose it is commercially successful.
commercial success. For this reason, in another part of my response to the invitation I received, I included a little more
received, I included some more content, when I included this paragraph: “After a long journey through life and
much travel through life and especially after growing in my relationship with God, I have no doubt that I am
relationship with God, I have no doubt that sex was one of his most marvelous creations, but also one of his most
creations, but it is also clear that he designed it for the couple in marriage.
the couple in marriage. ”
In concepts learned from Andy Stanley, lead pastor of North Point Community Church, www.northpoint.org, of sex I added a little more: “It’s
like a campfire at a summer camp in the dry forest,
sensational, delicious, full of possibilities. However, you wouldn’t
the world would you invite a bunch of guys to run around with torches all over the place, because you’d
torches all over the place, because as wonderful as it is, fire (out of control) as
(out of control) as well as sex (out of wedlock) can be
brutally destructive. ”
In any case, with my comments and warnings, the invitation stood, and after one night’s consideration, I accepted.
stood and after one night’s consideration, I accepted. Here’s why,
here is my first contribution this month. After 30 years as an
publicist and about 5 years as a blogger, I must have been considered
eligible for a month. My aspiration will go no further than to share ideas and concepts, to review
concepts, to review some of what can stimulate discussion although, of course, within a
of course, within the framework of a deep respect for all, as I believe in differences and celebrate them
in differences and I celebrate them wholeheartedly.
Thus the history, the influence of this magazine, its Internet site, its photographs and articles, undoubtedly have
its photographs and articles, undoubtedly have a wonderful
commercial opportunity in our society as in any other, today as in all times.
as in all times. Personally, after going through life among many errors and sins, among
many mistakes and sins, between peaks and falls, satisfactions and regrets, from a lesson
and regrets, from one lesson to another, the path has led me to recognize that true freedom lies under the
to recognize that true freedom is found under biblical authority, and that from many
biblical authority, and that from many risks and temptations I best keep my distance and
distance and on the sidelines.
For this reason, writing in the context of a magazine such as SoHo, has been a provocation in itself that I could not
a provocation that I could not pass up, because it is worth saying that in its pages there are traps of a
that in its pages there are high-risk traps and in its retouched images, made-up truths
and in its retouched images made-up truths that can lead to a lot of pain.
What do you think?