Among all the possible explanations that connect color to our lives, however, experts seem to agree that at an early age the variety of preferences is greater. In a class of 5-year-olds, when asked what their favorite color is, the answers will range from purple to orange, from red to green and of course to black and pink. The child’s freedom is great, his creative capacity is loose and he has not yet experienced the conditioning factors of life that regulate and standardize so much.
As time goes by, however, there are also coincidences that little by little we are becoming blue. For this reason, it is not surprising that the older we get, the more frequent is the answer that explains their favorite color in the color of the sky, the sea and the mountains in the distance. It seems that by turning blue we reduce our exposure to the difference, we achieve comfort in mimicry and not a few are those who stop daring and lose their original vivid color preference.
I imagine that must be why, when we say “What a color!”, we refer to a pity, a ridicule or something not necessarily positive. It must be why we prefer not to give ourselves the color to look different, to stand out or expose ourselves to others. No wonder many advertisers, like people, prefer the safety of blue, low risk and looking like others.
In fact, at Tribu for years we have been black, with a dash of red amidst a lot of white and gray. Our deliberately monochrome and raw looking environment has been a platform for growth, evolution and fulfillment in many ways. However, since what doesn’t get better, gets worse, we are going for more change and more transformation, to reinvent our company and move to DDB yellow, in the context of the deepest respect for all those who have so far defended their color and their name for many years in Costa Rica.
Already for a few weeks we have started to relive the impact of a warmer, more vivid and brighter color. The emotions and sensations combine between those similar to the sunrise, the renewal and the energy generated by knowing that we are able to learn and change, alive, spiritual, passionate and possibly inspiring. Life is worthless without some meaning.
As the world goes blue, Tribu goes yellow, ignited by multinational DDB and most especially by our own blood at DDB Latina. However, in essence, what we are doing is recovering color, variety, differences and the whole range of shades that life gives us to enjoy and enjoy, with yellow at the center of our new point.
In the meantime, possibly these simple paragraphs might lead you to think about your own evolution in your color preferences, and how much it reflects the desires of your heart. The pressure of the environment leads us to look alike, while it is our inner self that can lead us back to our own vivid personal color.
Now, what is your favorite color?