Martin Luther King


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Without Martin Luther King and his inspirational dream,
and visionary dream, Barack Obama might not be the first black president of the world’s most
the first black president of the most powerful country in the world. Without dreams and
dreams and illusions, ideas and creativity, it would be impossible to overcome adversity, obstacles and inertia,
obstacles and inertia, for achievement always follows dreams.

Everything has been created twice: first in the imagination and then in its
imagination and then in its realization. With creativity and imagination
we fabricate a vision that then becomes concrete in the virtue of achievement,
because it motivates in a big way, excites deep down and ignites more innovation, better creativity and greater challenges.
innovation, better creativity and greater challenges.

How can we overcome the current crisis?
crisis? With creative and daring ideas that are in themselves our highest possible dreams.
our greatest possible dreams. In other words, with ideas that are bigger than oneself and challenges that inspire us to give our all.
and challenges that inspire us to give our all, first personally and then collectively.
then collectively. With the power of tenacious and positive thinking,
it is possible to move forward and overcome the conditions of the moment, for there is nothing greater
greater than an idea when it is realized at the right time and manages to transform the world.
transform the world. Perhaps that of our family, institution or company
company, and maybe even the whole world, your community, a country or a region.
country or region.

Getting up to work, to study or to do chores, is an excessively functional action.
is an excessively functional, operative and hardly inspiring action without a higher mission.
without a higher mission. In turn, getting out of bed in the morning to make a contribution to the community, a country or region.
to make a contribution to the world and to take advantage of the possibilities of each
the possibilities of each day, is to go out on the adventure of daily faith with the mission in mind, to
mission in mind to turn it into an aggregate, transcendent and sublime achievement.

With or without resources, in crisis or in prosperity, as children we were able to become
as children we could become superheroes, we rescued princesses and won a thousand battles, conquered
won a thousand battles, conquered Prince Charming, created the home of our dreams
home of our dreams or achieve crowns on our heads, for with creativity and imagination
creativity and imagination absolutely nothing is impossible. As children we did not
limitations, we had not learned to make matrices of advantages and disadvantages, we did not look for
We didn’t look for the answers in an Excel spreadsheet or do “foda
Excel cells, we didn’t do SWOT analysis, we didn’t know how to rationally
project management and we didn’t make priority lists. Maybe
Perhaps because of this, we dreamed without restrictions and achieved the unthinkable,
so it is very important to rescue the child in each one of us,
and thus potentiate our innate and inexhaustible capacity to dream of everything possible.
everything possible. If we wish to be creative, we must live creatively.

In times of crisis, therefore, it is more important than ever to take our eyes off the
than ever to take our eyes off the obstacles and focus proactively on the possibilities.
proactively focus on the possibilities. In times of crisis it is even more important to
to propose and dare, to nurture our vision of the future and the scope of our emotions, than to
and the scope of our emotions, than to reactively make an inventory of reasons to justify all our limitations.
reasons to justify all our limitations.

In the leadership of public or private companies
the greatest responsibility to inspire and prepare the environment conducive to confirm, consolidate and
environment to confirm, consolidate and enhance the higher purpose of all that we do.
of everything we do. In fact, it is preferable to nourish life rather than to
tortillas, to fill the world with lovemarks rather than to make
distribute prosperity than to deliver boxes, or fill life with colors than to sell paint.
colors than to sell paint. The biggest challenge lies in the heads of companies.
the greatest challenge, and that is why today it is more important than ever to awaken the
creativity and detonate all the possibilities, because it is time to rescue the inexhaustible
to rescue the inexhaustible source of resources in ourselves, beyond the cuts, the fear or the
the cutbacks, fear or uncertainty that have flooded us in these times of economic recession.
these times of economic recession.

From emotion to action. If the days are heavier than usual, You Tube is
You Tube is at your keyboard’s fingertips to listen again to Martin Luther King and
Martin Luther King and reaffirm the power of dreams.
dreams. When the schedule gets busy, it’s ideal to open the Bible and receive the greatest
and receive the greatest guidance and inspiration there is, or, in another dimension, I recommend going to Google
dimension, I recommend you go to Google and search with the words -Tony Robbins Ted
Robbins Ted – and listen to his exciting talk. Or, simply
be inspired by Labuat at to remember
the relevance of emotions accentuated by music, digital painting in this case, and the interaction
and interaction that entertains, engages and excites.
thrills. In the meantime, let’s not forget that, just as fear paralyzes and reasons lead us to conclusions, so does fear.
and reasons lead us to conclusions, it is emotions that lead us straight to actions.
that lead us straight to actions.

More than ever, in a crisis we must listen to inspirational messages
attend inspirational events, get fired up by inspirational ideas, accept the most
inspiring ideas, take on the most inspiring challenges, create the most inspiring missions and visions
and visions, strive for the most inspiring achievements, and focus passionately on guiding
passionately focus on guiding our actions for our most inspiring dreams.
most inspiring dreams.

So, I invite you to say it too: I have a dream and I share it.
I share it. I have a dream and I am not afraid of those who tend to disqualify the dreamer.
the dreamer. I have a dream and I pass it on. I have a dream and I
I nourish it with the dreams of others. I have a dream and I advance against
wind and habit. I have a dream and I realize it. I have a dream and
nothing is impossible. I have one and a thousand other dreams.

(Article published in La Nación on Wednesday, May 20, 2009).

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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