I find very valuable the discussion that Zunga once again ignites with his opinion, pepper and clarity, and that deserves specific attention and not only as an additional comment.
Let’s see the comment he added to my Open Message to Teletica, with reference to the recent Volcano Festival.
What’s the surprise? If the 3 previous years Canal 7 did the same thing. Two presenters, three cameras, editing “on the run”, cuts without rhyme or reason. A “little program” that in the end, due to its quality and content, only the same old people are interested in watching it.
We switched to the Theater, believing that it was better adapted to the television format and the awarding is still as boring and monotonous as in the Horseshoe (in television terms). This without including (personal opinion) an unattractive and irrelevant artistic show for those of us who were there that Saturday.
I remember when Don Dirk Stammes started his speech (which we all listened attentively), I said to a colleague, after 3 minutes, how many people will be zapping at this point, and not because of the speech itself. It’s simply that the people “outside” don’t care about something they don’t even understand (if they are still awake) in 20 minutes of program running over. Those of us who were inside enjoyed the night, those outside don’t know what we’re talking about.
The format of Volcanes is not attractive to the viewer. I am sure of that. Even if it is given prime time and the 60 minutes you are recommending, is Festival Volcán something attractive to watch on television on a Saturday night?
Is it attractive to see long speeches at the beginning, with no images to support it, is it attractive to see two static presenters who cannot see the camera because they are reading what they should have rehearsed beforehand, is it attractive for someone who was not there that night, to see Keynote films flashing on TV, quickly announcing bronzes and silvers, without even understanding what it is all about, is it attractive to see an award ceremony that has neither a common thread nor visual attraction and that clearly lacks movement?
ASCAP, with all good intentions, has dedicated all these years to expand and make known beyond the guild, the importance and transcendence of the Festival (an applaudable effort to use their terms) and as part of that, television was invited to help spread the word (very good). Of course, we invited them to help us without having an attractive product to offer them or the viewer.
I think that first of all, before protesting to the Channel, let’s protest ourselves, let’s gather ideas and possibilities to see how we can make the Festival interesting, exciting, dynamic for the rest of the people and then, yes, let’s think about the idea of it being televised and then have all the right and reason to fight for better schedules and attention. And if not, we’d better go back to the Herradura, enjoy our festival and continue to put eggs and thought to do something that the viewer will always appreciate and understand, good publicity.
Then came these two additional comments on the subject:
Felipe Aguilar said:
I agree with Zunga. A snail race is only fun for those who are betting. So is volcanoes right now.
Point for Zunga.
Casa de Herrero, cuchillo de Palo.
Undoubtedly there is a lot to cut, because only a few know how much ASCAP achieves with little. Monetizing the Volcano is vital, that is, turning it into a money generator. It is also key to get all the players on board, including clients and the media as well. Needless to say, the country’s creatives could finally support by showing their organizational capacity with a Circle of Creatives, as they have not been able to in I don’t know how many attempts. So, one and several more issues to deal with, because it is always very easy to criticize.