Pregonero 2010

Tribu DDB will be in the Pregonero de Bronze

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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screen-shot-2010-10-11-at-9-36-56-pm-1559037El Pregonero de Bronce is the creative contest with the longest trajectory in Costa Rica. It is the classic of national creativity with 29 editions full of excitement and competition, as well as a thousand stories, anecdotes, triumphs and defeats.

In the Pregonero de Bronce, organized by Grupo Nación, many of us have won and even more have lost. The contest has been a stage for the country’s creativity for almost three decades, and with all that can be said about its level, it has stimulated national talent. Not with criticisms or coffee-table talks, not with street corner chats or campaign promises, but with deeds and commitment, one Pregonero after another.

This is why Tribu DDB is once again competing in the Pregonero of 2010, in recognition, appreciation and reciprocity with La Nación, with our clients and their brands, with the people in our group. Pain is fleeting, abandonment is for life.

As in any contest or festival, winning is a lottery and the criteria of the judges is the force that moves this roulette. Winning or losing is not the important thing, as it is the fact of participating with the work taken to the maximum possible potential, in the Pregonero as in the Volcano, in Cannes as in the Ojo.

This coming Thursday we will have a new night of competition, and even if some people love to saw floors or to cackle, I will stand up and applaud. To La Nación for making the Pregonero possible, as well as to the winners for entering first and winning later. Though obviously when it comes to Tribu and his talent, I’ll make it much louder and louder.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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