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New York is the great marathon

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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In Santa Ana today it was raining like a good storm day, what a relief! My Asics will remain without running today and the 40 minutes of scheduled training, will remain in the limbo of the pending. The anxiety grows and although I tried, since 5:15 in the morning I couldn’t sleep anymore. Next Sunday I run the New York marathon.

After five great distances, forty-two kilometers and one hundred and ninety-five meters, to be precise, I have decided to run the sixth one in New York, with an estimated 2 million people cheering in the streets. I think it will be my last and then I’ll move on to the half. Next Sunday’s 26.2 miles, as they measure it in the US, I will try to run it at a pace that will allow me my personal record, in the midst of about 45,000 runners trying to do the same. Everyone against each other, and me after a 4:19:00. 🙂 Check out this video that gives you an idea of what it’s like in reality at mile 17.

I’m going with 6 friends and we all bring our wives. We have prepared thoroughly, trained very hard and are ready to try the most important thing first: enjoy the experience. It is not possible to avoid suffering a little, and sometimes as in my case, you get to suffer a lot, because the cramps are capable of ending my aspirations in a fit of pull-ups.

On an inspirational note, though, when I ran in Berlin three years ago, Haile Gebresselassie had the good taste to break the world record with 2:03:59! Obviously, I came in several hours later, exhausted and beaten to a pulp. In New York, this coming Sunday, the incredible Ethiopian will run again the same marathon to which I also arrive with my colleagues of DSQ, but of course, to arrive also several hours later, although I hope in better conditions than in Germany. And it does not matter at all! What is certain is that I will be able to tell my grandchildren that I ran two marathons behind, far behind, but following the best in history until today. And it will not be by laughing, but as an anecdote of life and a gift from heaven.

The good thing about all this? The experience is shared with my friends Mauricio (Chiwis), Kenneth (Machethome), Federico (Fanushi), Johnny (Donyo), Osvaldo (Treasurer) and Raymundo (Ray). Also with all the rest of DSQ who already ran their marathons, with those who did not run this year, with wives, families and more friends. The marathon is run against yourself, but accompanied at every step by all the people who encourage you.

Today I rested thanks to the rain. Sunday comes the fascinating experience of a marathon with 2 million people in the streets cheering us on. It’s time to pack, hydrate the body and rest. And like every day, it is also time to thank God for so many gifts of life.

As the day arrives, visualization is key, from the start to the finish line, from the route to my nationality. On that day I will become a Kenyan (I wish!). Until Saturday night, these are two videos we will watch over and over again:

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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