In Forum2 there is a sensational tribe of geeks, full of life, energy, youth, talent and commitment. It is a collection of professionals so advanced and on the cutting edge of technology, that it is as exciting to watch them as when the national team plays. It is called Bosz Digital and it is a legitimate digital playground, led by José Coto, MBA, rocker, partner and CEO of the company. Stop here! Yes, I said rocker and for this before we continue, let’s see him sing!
It’s exciting how much passion and energy there is in Bosz! This tribe of geeks at heart was born in Tribu a couple of years ago. As every startup, it started with great difficulties to open its own space, while today it lives a dynamic, solid and vibrant reality of success and constant evolution. That’s why we are always looking for geeks at heart, totally bilingual and ready to grow. Are you interested in being part of Bosz? If you are one of the best in the country, have the knowledge and academic background, the successful experience and the daring to take the plunge, contact us and let’s start rocking!
Bosz Digital is focused on serving clients in the outside world, nothing extraterrestrial, just clients outside the country. In Grupo Tribu, we find other companies developing the Costa Rican and regional digital market in Central America, through Tribal and from 2011 with Darwin Zone. I will tell you more about these later.
Now, to everyone at Bosz Digital, congratulations! In 2010 we consolidated in the order of 100 geeks working daily, one home-run after another, with a lot of concentration, a lot of effort,
talent and all the technology. We started 2011 with many people arriving, as well as new areas of service to our customers. A success that engages and steps that force us to focus on winning in the present and winning in the future. So, I insist, if you are a geek at heart (ok… nerds welcome too!) and you are looking to be part of the future, with your name and surname in the pages of Bosz, don’t hesitate to step forward.
And well, ok. So far I hear you all shouting for another one, another one, another one! So here’s one more from the Adapted (adapted?). I didn’t understand anything. Well, here goes. In the meantime: