In these days of intense global creative competition on the Cannes Lions stage, it is impressive to know the level that is achieved in the world. For this reason, when we see the Lions winners in press, it is revealing to know the competition that the 11 finalists of Tribu DDB, jotabeqú and Ogilvy in press had. In the meantime, here among friends.
First, take a look at the Bronzes and see what’s in there. Then take a few minutes to go through the Platas and you’ll be amazed even more often. However, when you get to the Golds and Grand Prix, there is no question in most of them why they made it so far. In all the winners sections on the Festival website you will find the reasons why everything here is inspiration, challenge, level and a degree of creativity that one has no idea unless one enjoys it.

Today, Thursday, things have been a little slower with León in hand. Although I must say that in the shipment, because Platas and Bronzes are sent later by courier and arrive to the countries 2 and up to 4 months later. Maybe, I think, to celebrate again when the lion arrives! We, just in case, we take some time to have dinner.
However, friends and contacts continue, the seminars, the competition and everything on the way to the awards on Saturday, where my favorite to win the Grand Prix in Film is for VW. Here’s the commercial marvel:
We’ve met up with old friends from Saatchi and all sorts of wonderful, talented people hungry for more new ideas.