
Five calls to prayer

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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Today I have a few questions for you, if it’s not too much to ask, after you watch at least a fragment of this video recorded freehand with a Flip.

Five times a day in Muslim countries you can hear a call to prayer that says: “Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his prophet”. Juemialma! That’s very different from what I believe. “Nothing to see!” anyone in Costa Rica would say. “Jala with those sticks!”, anyone else might say. Since they don’t believe the same as I do: Are all Muslims going to hell? And excuse me, does hell exist?

In short, Islam means submission to God, understood as a word derived from peace. Clearly, it is a world apart from the Christian faith, and yet it is a difference that requires understanding, respect and consideration, or we kill each other. We do not have to believe in the same thing to live in peace.

In fact, could anyone think of a world without differences? I guess not, although only you know your own answer. In Costa Rica, of course, when a Tico duck flaps its colorful feathers, others want to pluck them out.

Diversity is the one thing we all have in common. However, because of intolerance or ignorance, because of envy or jealousy or I don’t know why else, it often leads to differences that drive us apart, make us angry and even uselessly confront each other. All wrong!

In our countries we are not used to real differences, and therefore, it is not surprising that some people drown in any discussion. Does this sound familiar? Are you one of those who prefer that others agree with you? Or can you legitimately celebrate differences?

In general, we don’t like people who don’t think like you. Absurd? We don’t like differences of opinion, faith or thought so much that we switch in an instant from discussion to intolerance and disrespect. Or is it better to send them to hell? Sometimes we want to spit rather than swallow.

In our country, as in many others, we easily resort to floor-sawing and, especially, to the “choteo”. Fatal. And what does he think he is? Ssss… he’s an asshole! Insulting, “eating people”, inventing stories or “ningunear” is richer and often tastes like a dulce de leche, however, it is more the resource of the immature, the rude, the impulsive, some of the above or all of them.

Just because you don’t think like you do? Yes. So it seems to be. Once again in our beautiful Costa Rica, no seems not to exist, yes is a maybe and maybe is a camouflaged no. As if we have to speak without saying it, or say it in circles! The legacy of the pure life and the quiet everything, the society of everyone is equal and the lack of training in diversity, has led us to a solemn confusion of life to place us in the inoperative intolerance, subjected to the tyranny of the minorities that do spit.

With Islam’s call to prayer five times a day, I’d love to think I can try to translate it into a quintupled call to celebrate differences. Can we differ and polemicize without offending? Do you think we can focus on commonalities? Sure we can, although it would take at least two intelligent parties. And that is not always possible.

In closing, may I make an additional comment? If you surround yourself with people who only tell you what you want to hear, you will soon be alone with people who have nothing to say.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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