effie 2011

Effie Costa Rica 2011 is coming

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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Today I received an email from Lilliana Gonzalez, Executive Director and driving force of the Community (formerly ASCAP), which made me very happy: the second edition of the Effie is coming. She also brought this image that I loved:


As if organizing the Effie was not enough, the Community does it with elegance, class and style. The simplicity of the invitation encourages and excites, as the Effie is a great opportunity to showcase the most effective creativity in the country. Check out the full invitation:


Last year we had the honor of winning the Grand Effie with Osa. Which work and which agency will win that honor this year? I leave you here with the 2010 winning case by Tribu DDB.


ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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