Stefan Asafti has created an interesting project about brands, which he justifies as follows: “The truth is that every pair of rivals has something in common. It has something that has helped them build their identity, all the way to becoming the top brands.”
Clearly it must have taken him a long time. These are elegant, fine and striking graphics, as they show an obsessive level of polish. In fact, Asafti comments that “every little fragment of the final images have been moved and sized manually, to maintain a correct and balanced composition of all the elements.”
I love the work done by Asafti, but I love his photographs even more. Check out some more of the marconversations, a reflection of what is happening today in the world we live in.
Once I came across this “new” idea, I find myself with more than 129,000 results on Google, as well as countless twitts, blog posts, comments and Likes. Brandversations have gone viral. What’s new is that I only came across it today, it’s very interesting, and it reminded me of this phenomenal commercial of a conversation between Pepsi and Coke.
Today the marketplace is conversations. People are talking and we are all expressing ourselves with social megaphones everywhere. Conversations about brands are happening massively, and Asafti’s work reflects that.