
I don’t like limits

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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Can you imagine a life without limits? How wonderful! We could drive 100 miles an hour, smoke in the office and max out our credit card every month. We could go on vacation whenever we felt like it and I would eat one or more Pinito double milk slushies every day.

Clearly, a formula for disaster. So why don’t we like boundaries? Why do they sound so much like restriction, suffocation and confinement? How is it that we grow up without a positive image of boundaries? Where did we lose their multiplier sense of potentials and opportunities?

I have no idea. However, I am clear that to the extent that boundaries have been reconciled with my life, things have been getting better and better. Although I admit that I like the concept of margins better, as it is a more graphic interpretation of boundaries, this will be the subject of the next series in the Openhouse.

Openhouse, an experience designed for those who don’t like churches. Designed for those who are beginning, seeking or returning to a relationship with God, and who prefer to do so outside of the religiosity that has distanced so many of us in the past. How do you see it? Will it be for you? Maybe, although it is impossible to know without trying it.

For this reason, if you live in Costa Rica and even more if you are not far from Escazú, you should give it a try. You bet an hour of your life and that’s your risk. Then you can gain a new and fresh way to explore, discover and grow in a healthy relationship with God and carefully guided by the biblical text. The Openhouse model is inspired by North Point, a church for non-churchers, which we invite you to explore.

So good. I confess. Boundaries are an acquired taste that I now have among my favorites. So well, if you have trouble distinguishing when to say yes and when to say no, if you are among those who want to push your life to the limits, if lack of control is visible in one or more parts of your life, the next Openhouse is for you too.

Adults: Next Sunday, Meridiano Auditorium, HSBC Building (next to Plaza Roble / Multiplaza Escazú). 9:55 AM and 11:55 AM. Children 5 to 10: Smiles and Games, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. More info at www.openhouse.cr and on Facebook here www.facebook.com/theopenhouse.

You are invited. Admission is completely free, no cost, no solicitation. You are invited. We’d really love for you to come. Invited to invite. Because as a couple, with family and/or friends is even better. Any additional questions or doubts? Don’t hesitate to ask it here on the blog, or directly to Julio González at julio@openhouse.cr.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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