vence tus miedos

Overcome your fears

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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Fear paralyzes, curtails, delays, annuls, petrifies, disables. Fear subjugates, subordinates, crushes, stuns and degrades. Fear humiliates, lulls and disarms, fear is a scourge and should not be part of your life. Overcome your fears!

Fear is subjective, personal, it is up to each person to overcome it. It exists, and it does not exist. You decide.

Go ahead. Change. Be brave. Be bold.

This commercial by Leo Burnett Peru, for the Falabella department store, proves for many years that it is possible. It confirms that we can make the world a better place through advertising, or rather, through whatever our activity may be.

Of course, if a brand is going to invest a dollar or a thousand in a campaign, it is better if it builds a brand, makes the cash register ring and also manages to send a message, share an idea or extend an invitation that can make a difference.

After all, who wants an encyclopedia salesman knocking on their door? Does anyone want an ad anymore?

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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