La canción más popular

The most popular song came to transform

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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The creative advertising world applauded “ The Most Popular Song” at Cannes 2012, awarding it Lions and a Grand Prix. Because a simple idea can be powerful enough to influence a country, make a difference and contribute to making it a better place.

So if a brand is going to spend a dollar or a million on advertising, it will be better if it adds an idea that can make a difference. “La canción más popular”, by the team led by Jaime Rosado at JWT, took a song like “No hago más ná” and with several changes to its content, it became a new propositional hit capable of making a difference.

This was the winning case at the Cannes Lions festival.

Aside from the fact that it was a great joy to see our good friend Rosado and his team stand up with such a Grand Prix, it was exciting to see the response from thousands of creatives from all over the world, applauding and recognizing that an unexpected, creative and effective turnaround had been achieved here, as well as powerfully influential.

Ideas, imagination, utopia, dreams, just to name a few of my favorite areas, are often criticized. However, everything that has ever been done happened at least twice: first in the imagination and then in reality. In other words, for it to happen, it must first be imagined.

For your complete enjoyment of this great adaptation of the Gran Combo and its success, here is the revamped song and its dedicated video to do its part.

Let’s go for it!

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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