On Incae ‘s last visit to Tribu DDB, who rightfully become a tribe for life, at the close of the activity I was asked, “Did you know that there is another Tribu Group?”, and of course my answer was negative amidst immediate curiosity.
Then, between smiles and looks of complicity I was introduced to them in this new tribal show, coming from the Earth University in the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica, with American and African members sharing their music from the province of Limón.
We live in tribes and we like it. We have tribes of runners, travelers, explorers and motorcyclists, there are tribes of skateboarders and cyclists, intellectuals and scientists, tribes of geeks, chess players and fishermen. There are urban and not so urban tribes, such as those featured in an article I recommend: 46 fascinating photographs of the world’s most remote tribes before they disappear.
In today’s marketing it is vital to understand that it is better to segment by tribes than by the traditional filters used in the past. Among the creatives behind lions at Cannes, I have more in common with a South African and a New Zealander from that tribe than I do with my dear neighbor across the hedge. We live in tribes and share affinities, lifestyles, beliefs and rituals, so it is key to understand this in whatever activity we find ourselves in.
In life I have had the privilege of sharing time with remote tribes such as the Maori, Sherpa, Massai, Bedouin and others. We live in tribes, and in my case, the marathoners’ tribe amuses and organizes me, while the spiritual one at the Openhouse is the very essence of life. I must admit however, that my favorite tribe is my family, as well as the one that is nurtured by so much talent in the Tribe Group that I already knew. In fact, I like to think of it as the world famous tribe that draws inspiration from the haka, to make the All Blacks the winningest team in history.
Seth Godin has written and expounded a lot about tribes, and for this reason, if you have the time now, I invite you to listen to his lecture. On Youtube it is divided into 8 sections here. For now I leave you with the first video.
I am inspired by Sherpa leadership, as it focuses on getting others to the top. There is much to learn from tribal leadership
We live in tribes – good thing!