
Community with new Board of Directors

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This week Comunidad elected its new board of directors for the next two years.

I wish them much success and the best results in these times that demand so much from us. For this reason, I celebrate the integration of talents that has been achieved in this new board, the addition of specialties and types of companies, as well as the youngest incorporations.

This is how it was constituted:
President: Alberto Quirós, Jotabequ Grey.
Vice-president: Carmen Mayela Fallas, Comunicación Corporativa Ketchum
Treasurer: Marlene Fernandez, Interamericana de Comunicación
Secretary: Marian Bakit, Ideas Comunicación
Member I: Carlos Fonseca, Publimark Lowe
Member II: Mauricio Garnier, Garnier BBDO
Member III: Jose Luis Arce, Riverside Business Technologies
Member IV: Gabriela Montalto, OMD
V Member V: Mauricio Fallas, Republika Independiente
Member VI: Natalia Carvajal, The Map
Member VII: Edson Brizuela, Media Naranja
Prosecutor: Manuel Gavilán, Ogilvy Mather
Executive Director: Víctor Esquivel

Comunidad is the name that replaced ASCAP, which referred to the Costa Rican association of advertising agencies. Times have changed, and so has the category, which is why its opening was timely. In this way, what was for years an association closed to advertising agencies, today is a totally open meeting point and composed of 37 companies dedicated to commercial communication, and growing.

Needless to say that if you are not yet part of Comunidad, whether you are an advertising agency, public relations, promotions, media, digital, btl, branding, shopper marketing or any other model in the field, the invitation is open and our desire is that every day we enjoy more participation. With how far we have come, there is still a lot to do.

Comunidad is the representative of the Cannes Lions Festival, organizes annually the Young Lions Competition, the Volcán Festival and the Effie. Comunidad has promoted ideas, innovation and necessary changes, both for our industry and for the benefit of the country.

Colleague friends, my best wishes.

ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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