Luis Guillermo Solís

Support Luis Guillermo Solis

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I made a query on social networks in the form of a comment: “Is it in the national interest that Luis Guillermo Solís does wonderfully in his government. Or are there contrary opinions?”

On Twitter it did not take long for the retweets and the little stars indicating generalized agreement. I highlight one of the comments, as @fherrerah added the following, ” Daily I pray to the Eternal Father to bless LGS and his ministers”, while Mario Quirós completed it on Facebook with a blunt logic: ” It goes well for the government it goes well for all of us, it goes bad for the government it goes bad for all of us.”

We can never agree with all the decisions and actions of a government. They can start slow or take off flying, knock it out of the ballpark, fail, make mistakes or score 6 goals in the first 100 days, but the important thing is that public opinion understands the importance of supporting the government elected by the majority.

Pamela Martí also contributed her comment: “National and world interest! I did not vote for the PAC but it is the leader that the people chose and as such we must support him if we want to move forward. We can all contribute in one way or another”, as did Nisa Sanz: “It seems that in this country there are still people (naive or ill-intentioned) who think that if the government does badly, they will do well. If the country does badly, we all do badly”.

On the day of the 100-day report, whether we agree or only partly agree with its content, let’s put away the sawing and joking, let’s move to the side of national unity and let’s make a difference. John Banks said it clearly: “we are all in the same boat”, as Niels Camacho also said: “National interest, regardless of our ideology”.

In another Twitt I posted the following: If President @luisguillermosr does well, in Costa Rica we win. We agree with @figuerescr: we have to help, right? Again, the reaction was in line with the forcefulness of the argument that today has us united in one idea: we must support, help, collaborate and do everything possible so that Luis Guillermo Solís does wonderfully in his presidency.

It has only been 100 days and a bit, so they are just beginning. The PAC has been for many years on the side of those who oppose and now it is learning on the side of those who propose. It is natural and to be expected that the beginning may look slow, and that is the way things are, no matter, let’s move forward, let’s support, let’s serve, even with our best wishes and sincere prayers.

“It is in the national interest that the president can be “coached” in those skills, competencies or distinctions that he does not have. Therefore, he requires not only “communication advisors” but relational ontological coaches.” was a valuable contribution by Hannia Jimenez, endorsed by Randall Arias thus: ” the President needs help to remove some key paradigms to improve his management.”

To conclude for now, I could not say it better than Patricia Segovia: “… if Luis Guillermo is doing well for Costa Rica too, we should all take the Patriotic flag and help in whatever way we can. One is not looking with a magnifying glass where they are wrong to criticize, let’s take a positive attitude, let’s see what is being done well!”

President Solis: it is in the national interest that you preside over the best administration in history. This is how we Costa Ricans understand it, so we are willing to support you.

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ⓘ This post has been automatically translated from Spanish using DeepL API.

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