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Shekhar Kapur: Somos las historias que nos contamos

¿De dónde nace la inspiración creativa? En TEDIndia el director de Hollywood y Bollywood, Shekhar Kapur (“Elizabeth”, “Mr. India”), señala su fuente de creatividad: el pánico total y absoluto. Él comparte una forma poderosa de liberar a nuestro narrador interior.

Algunos de los comentarios publicados:

If we could all become better story tellers, it would be easier to both know ourselves and also share our ideas. The technology exists today for everyone to easily put together their own 5 to 15-minute TED story and post it; it is upto us to add the content.

With your guidance and outline of focusing on the levels of plot, psychology, politics and mythology, I am determined to start ‘filiming’ stories of my own.

Why not create a story for every business trip, idea or experience that we want to share with our colleagues, family and/or global friends? Something we could all benefit from I am sure.
Un Saludo y paz. /garito

His creativity lies in his ability to imagine the scenes rather a gain out of experience. HIS early film in HINDI ‘mausam’ was a super hit and his directorial skills came to light and it was a huge success in terms of commerce as well as creativity i e his direction. The surprising aspect was he had had no behind the camera experience in taking the shots but he did on his own imagination. That Hindi movie was a remake of the great English fiction ‘
‘MAN WOMAN AND CHILD’ His hindi remake was far better than that English version.

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Jorge Oller

A Fuego Lento

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Jorge Oller

A Fuego Lento

Sin más, te invito a explorar conmigo. Aprecio tu compañía.

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