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Ganadores de Press, Design y Cyber

Cannes, 23 June 2011 – The winners of the Press, Design and Cyber Lions categories have been announced and awarded at the third Awards Ceremony of the Cannes Lions Festival week which took place last night.

This year the Design Lions attracted 1,774 entries, the Cyber Lions received 2,835 submissions and entries totalled 5,415 in the Press Lions.

The Press Lions Jury chaired by Tony Granger, Global Chief Creative Officer of Y&R shortlisted 518 entries before awarding 10 gold, 36 silver and 52 bronze lions. JWT Shanghai won China’s first ever Grand Prix in the Press category for their ad ‘Heaven and Hell’ for Samsonite.

After shortlisting 146 entries, the Design Grand Prix was awarded to Digital Kitchen Chicago, USA for ‘The Cosmopolitan Digital Experience’ created for The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. 31 gold, 27 silver and 27 bronze lions were also awarded. Presiding over the Jury was Luciano Deos, President of GAD’ Design in Brazil.

With Jury President Nick Law, Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of R/GA heading up the Cyber Lions judging, the jury shortlisted 220 entries and awarded a total of 21 Gold, 15 Silver and 42 Bronze lions. Three Cyber Lions Grands Prix were presented; the first to Google Creative Lab New York, USA for their entry ‘The Wilderness Downtown’ for Google in the Websites, Integrated Campaigns, Banners and Other Rich Media and Craft Category; the second to R/GA New York, USA for ‘Pay with a Tweet’ for Innovative Thunder in the Viral Advertising Category; the third to Wieden + Kennedy Portland, USA for the Procter & Gamble Old Spice Body Wash ‘Response Campaign’ in the Other Interactive Digital Solutions category.

The prestigious Media Person of the Year award was presented to Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google during last night’s Awards Ceremony.

Also honoured were the winners of the Young Lions Print & Cyber Competitions. The team from Australia took the gold Print Medal, with Canada taking gold for their Cyber entry.







The winning work from these categories is now available to view online together with their credits at

Wednesday’s programme was packed with high profile speakers including Actor Jesse Eisenberg; Piers Morgan of CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight; Dr. Edward de Bono, Author, Innovator and Designer of Thinking Tools; Carolyn Everson, Vice-President, Global Marketing Solutions, Facebook and Google’s Eric Schmidt. Today’s programme sees Sir Ken Robinson, and Keith Weed, Chief Marketing and Communication Officer of Unilever take to the stage as well as Saatchi & Saatchi’s New Director’s Showcase which will once again take place and celebrate its 21st birthday at Cannes Lions.

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