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Dance4Life wins best HIV/AIDS TV commercial in last 25 years!
The Dance4Life TV Commercial has won the award of best HIV/AIDS awareness TV commercial by the European Commission!
Beating stiff competition in the finals from clips from Belgium, Ireland, Germany and other countries, Dance4Life picked up the award in Brussels the night before World AIDS Day, 30th November.
Colin Dixon, who works for Dance4Life International Support Team, was in Brussels for the ceremony, and was thrilled to collect the award from the European Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner Markos Kyprianou. He gave an acceptance speech thanking the European Commission, the other finalists and Saatchi & Saatchi and Hazazah Film who developed the creative concept and produced the commercial. And of course the young people involved in the Dance4Life Schools Projects who took part in the filming of the commercial. He was then besieged by press and tv cameras for interviews!
The European Commission co-hosted the event that consisted of the screening of TV commercials, short documentaries and music videos that promoted safer sex in Europe in the last 25 years. This screening was shown to an audience of 600 young people and stakeholders who then voted for the best commercial – Dance4Life!
Young Europeans already gave feed-back through a specially created website, on the TV commercials shown during the event, as well as proposing and posting their own ideas on messages to promote safer sex.
HIV/AIDS remains a real danger for both the EU and its neighbouring countries. Figures show a general increase in the numbers of infected people due to a decrease in awareness concerning contamination risks, coupled with an increase in risky behaviour.
The 2005 Communication was followed by a series of discussions with different stakeholders, where it was confirmed that television campaigns remain the cornerstone to a communication campaign for enhancing HIV/AIDS prevention and sexual education, support and counselling.
The “Night of the HIV/AIDS TV commercials” will be held in Kinepolis Brussels at 18:30, on the eve of the December 1st “World AIDS Day”, November 30th. Those wishing to participate can register. For more information on the Commission’s policies on HIV/Aids.
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