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Costa Rica’s Virtuous Circle

Costa Rica’s Virtuous Circle

A Historical Celebration

What a wonderful celebration we are currently experiencing! What a great joy it is to applaud, honor, acknowledge, and embrace! Don’t forget: What you celebrate repeats itself.

Costa Rica has put away the backstabbing and has moved on to applause. The country has cut out the mockery and has moved on to good humor, caring, admiration and enjoyment. What a wonderful time we are currently living! And for this, we thank you World Cup-classified athletes, coaching staff, thank you to the entire team behind La Sele.

Costa Rica’s Virtuous Circle

The celebration is key for the creation of what we could call Costa Rica’s Virtuous Circle. One that could make all the difference in the life of our country. I believe it is made up of four significant steps: 1. Dream, 2. Think, 3. Act and 4. Celebrate. Do you see?

That’s what the officials at the Costa Rican Football Federation, led by Li, did when they dared to imagine this journey. Later, they thought up how to achieve it, then they succeeded, and after obtaining favorable results, they have also made it a point to join in on the celebration.

dreamAt one point, they added Jorge Luis Pinto to think, plan, design a path, and obtain results. Without a proper thought process and execution, dreams that do not become a reality can be fantasies or useless mirages. That’s why a team is key, and it includes everyone from the massage therapist, nutritionist, those in charge of communications, logistics, sponsorships, finances and so many more. Even the players themselves, their wonderful wives, and unconditional friends and family.

Before you go on, make sure to watch this interview with Pinto, which took place on the 7th floor of the Mendes Plaza Hotel in Santos, Brazil.

So it goes, that in order to score you have to shoot for the goal, like Campbell, Ruiz, Duarte, and Ureña in Brazil. We also know that it is necessary to stop goals like Navas, play with discipline and passion as a team like the entire Sele. Success would be impossible without intentional and careful consideration towards the four dimensions of the human being: heart, body, mind, and spirit. To this truth, the excellent job carried out in the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual arenas has been validated.

What You Celebrate Repeats Itself

The Costa Rican National Soccer Team has flown higher than it ever has before, in my inexperienced soccer opinion, only to announce that the best is yet to come. That is why the celebration we are living today lights Costa Rica’s virtuous circle, which was ignited last night like never before by Borges, in the spontaneous, joyful and contagious company shared by all with this unforgettable Sele.

visiónThe power of having vision has been proven. The undeniable reach of planning was joyfully confirmed. The key importance of an impeccable execution was later ratified. The crucial contribution of celebration has been reached at an undeniable dimension.

One team obtained it on the field and another great team did it off the field. Today one team is a celebrity and the other smiles and applauds in satisfaction behind their heroic anonymity. The entire Sele team proved itself in the face of adversity and was able to overcome conflicts as well as everyday frustrations in what is a natural part of any long-drawn and intense process.

We can learn a lot from these events and apply it to our lives, organizations, companies, institutions, and everything we do overall. Let’s take the time to leave behind the vices that have hindered prosperity in our country and let’s migrate to a new national mentality inspired by the success obtained in the World Cup.

Some have dreamt, thought, executed and celebrated on the field. Others have dreamt, thought, executed and celebrated behind the Sele. And today, an entire nation celebrates what was dreamt, thought, and executed.

So, let’s continue to celebrate for a few more days. Because what you celebrate will repeat itself. Let’s dream again soon.

The best is yet to come.

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